How did I create From Scratch?

Hey all! We interrupt your regularly scheduled Fridays 4 Fundraising content for a podcast!

Okay…being honest…I had planned a blog post AND to share this podcast, but life happened. We’re in the middle of two big client projects, onboarding the June cohort of Sustain & Thrive, I’ve got a kiddo who had to have multiple teeth extracted, and a husband who just got hit by a really bad cold (I think the one I just got over…caring is sharing, right?!). So…I don’t have a normal Fridays 4 Fundraising for you this week.

And I could lie to you and tell you that the podcast was what I always planned, but it wasn’t. I want to show you that sometimes we can’t make it all happen, and I hope you’ll all forgive me and let me know that sometimes that’s okay.

Did you drop a ball this week? Did it go flying out the window? It’s okay. I’m with you. There’s always next week. Give yourself a little grace while I give myself some too. We’ve got this.

I was delighted to be invited to speak with May L. Harris, Esq., M.A. of the Nonprofit Counsel Podcast, and the episode is out now!

We had an absolutely wonderful conversation about my journey in the nonprofit sector, from my humble beginnings raising money at bake sales at just five years old, to my amazing years at the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) where I learned the tricks of the trade, to how I got the inspiration to start From Scratch Fundraising. 🍰 ➡️ 💼 ➡️ 🍰 (The name wasn't an accident, y'all. It's full circle.)

Join me on this audio journey through my past as a fundraiser; and along the way you'll get some tips on how to think about solicitations differently to get over the fear of asking, how to keep your fundraising staff long-term, how to avoid burnout as a busy founder/executive director, and how finding your community will revolutionize your fundraising.

🎧 Listen here:

So in lieu of your regularly scheduled Fridays 4 Fundraising, I hope you’ll tune in to hear our conversation and join me in celebrating the sweet rewards of dedication, community, and giving back.


Spring Fundraising Campaign Series: Where to Find the Posts


Whisking Away the Doubts